The whole school lit up as we visited Real Standard Nursery and Primary school in Nsaggu where we have four children enrolled in our sponsorship programme Hajara, Sarah, Juma and Mabel. Seeing these children very happy made us feel very lucky doing this job. We delivered scholastic materials which included pens, pencils, books, colors, bags and uniforms together with tuition fees.

Still in Nsaggu we visited Joweria at her school, she is the only one under the sponsor ship programme in her school. The very jolly yet shy girl lifted our spirits with her funny shy acts. Scholastic materials and bank slips were also given to her to take the whole term.

We continued with our travel still in the Nsaggu village to Joweria’s sister’s school Pavine. This school has a very calm environment which probably explains Pavine’s behavior. She did not say much, she just smiled at us and said thank you, just like we did for the others, we delivered her scholastic materials and bank slips.

We later moved to a school called Tenacity Academy in Mukono. In this school we also have four children enrolled in our sponsorship programme. Lydia, Viola, Ivan and Phiona. These children were the most joyous to see us. They were very grateful to the sponsors and showed this by writing well decorated letters to the sponsors.We handed over to them scholastic materials and bank slips like we did with others. We also paid for their lunch since it is not included in the tuition fee.

We concluded our travel at Joel a.k.a Kapito’s home. This is because his school had already closed by the time of our arrival. He is a member of a large extended family which welcomed us with much delight. Joel’s grandmother sung praises and thanked us a million times. Joel was very quiet when he saw us but he lit up immediately after receiving all his scholastic materials. He began to smile and talk, we could not imagine that he could be that loud.

Seeing these children and bonding with them is a very fulfilling experience. Sponsor a Child today!
Thanks for Reading.