
ACI–Finance(U), the microfinance program of ACI-Uganda, was launched with an overall goal of increasing getting access and the use of financial services specifically tailored to the needs of the economically active rural and peri-urban poor particularly women. We believe that this greatly contributes to the women empowerment through the creation of income generating activities, improvement of their livelihood and communities.
- Financial inclusion – to provide accessible financial services predominantly for the rural and peri-urban poor, notably women, who earn an income but do not have access to financial services.
- Social returns – build awareness on various aspects of social development such as children’s education, health, nutrition, non-formal education, adult literacy, sanitation and utilisation of available resources to improve their livelihoods, foster the sustainable development of their communities.
- Build and support community based financial services – through the mobilization, training and organization of the rural poor into savings groups, to stimulate income generation, the creation of self employment opportunities and to become operationally and financially self-sustaining.
How it works
Our microfinance program is promoted through community visits and word of mouth among clients. Initial visits are held in potential communities with leaders and women with an interest in the program. Potential clients learn about ACI-Finance loan delivery method through a public orientation meeting that briefs them on loan disbursements and related procedures.
After forming groups of their choice and agreeing on the income generating activity they would like to pursue, our field staff train group members in basic business development skills such as pricing, marketing and quality management. ACI’s field staff facilitate weekly group meetings during which members undertake the responsibility of approving loans and repayments.
ACI participates in a range of social initiatives, organizes and conducts various training programmes and workshops for its clients during which members go through additional social development programmes that cover topics ranging from children’s education to health, nutrition and sanitation.
Loan Products
Our loan products are based on the group and individual lending methodology.
- Group loans – are mainly used by women for income generating activities. Other kinds of group loans offered by ACI-Finance (U) are educational loans.
- Individual loans – are targeted towards small and medium size businesses, regardless of the client’s gender. This secured product was created by ACI – Finance(U) in order to build deeper relationships with clients who had graduated from the group loans and needed bigger loans for business expansion. We also provide loans to salaried employees in semi-urban and urban areas.
- Salary loans – loans offered to salaried employees av reputable organisations / companies in semi-urban and urban areas.